Fitness Trends Forecast For 2017

Stan 09/02/2017 0
Fitness Trends Forecast For 2017

Wondering what fitness activities you’ll be doing in 2017 and why? From BarreCore to live-streaming, We’ve spoken to the health and fitness experts over at Vitabiotics to discover what they think will be the biggest fitness trends for 2017, and beyond!


Barre workouts, which are inspired by the sorts of stretching exercises that dancers do, have been growing in popularity for years, but the trademarked ‘BarreCore’ classes are in a class of their own.

BarreCore is aimed at those who want a dancer’s body; fit, strong, defined muscles with an excellent core. Unless you happen to have barre in your house, the only way to do this class is to go along.

What began in the well-heeled suburbs of Chelsea and Mayfair is now being rolled out nationwide with studios in Leeds, Bristol and many other London locations.

Live-streaming classes

Working out along with a class on the other side of the world is now possible thanks to live-streamed classes. What, you may ask, is the point when you can do a DVD or download a video? Because this way each and every class is different.

DVDs get boring with the same jokes, the same music and the same routine. Live-streaming makes you feel like you are actually in the room, plus it gives you the opportunity to add variety.

Just think, one week you could be doing a aerobics class with a group in a New York studio, and the next you could be doing yoga with an instructor on a beach in Bali – all in real time.

Hybrid classes

The most popular classes at local gyms usually fall into the following categories; simple cardio, HIIT (high-intensity interval training) or strength training. Perhaps you’ve tried all of these classes and love different elements of each?

This is where Hybrid Exercise Classes come into their own. These classes take elements of strength training, interval training and cardio and combine them into a ‘Hybrid Class’ – meaning you get the best of all worlds. There is no limit to the combinations you can now find in gyms and fitness studios all over the world.

Fitness for over 50′s

Most people over 50 will attest to the fact that joining a HIIT exercise class isn’t ideal, and neither is being consigned to a dull aqua aerobics class once a week.

Team sports such as Walking Football and Walking Netball are gaining popularity, with participation increasing every week.

These types of sports are aimed at those who are perhaps older, rehabilitating from injury or simply looking to join a team for the social aspect.

In addition to the above, technology will play an ever increasing role in our fitness with mobile apps, while personal trainers will be getting more educated and technical. However you do it next year, have fun – 2017 promises to be another great year for fitness.


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