We’ve long known that eating high-fibre, low-glycaemic index (GI) foods such as grapefruit for breakfast can add weight loss by helping you feel fuller for longer and reducing the risk of mid-morning snacking. New research shows that the fat-fighting benefits don’t end there.
A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that a high-fibre, low-GI breakfast may actually enhance fat burning during subsequent bouts of exercise.
Participants in the study undertook a 60 minute workout three hours after breakfast, and the subjects who had eaten a high-fibre, low-GI breakfast burned double the amount of fat compared with those who had eaten a low-fibre, high-GI breakfast.

About the author: Stan View all posts by Stan
Following the birth of his son in 2009, Stan felt unfit and sluggish. Since then he's been training using a range of exercise techniques and gained some valuable information over the years. He concentrated on using ideas and methods from the teachings of Paul Chek, Chuck Wolf, Dax Moy, Charles Poliquin, Martin Rooney and Phil Richards. His fitness training currently includes running, kettlebell training, the world famous TRX, Olympic bar training, different types of body weight exercises, medicine balls, interval training (Tabata training) and cross fit training. He has completed the Pier To Pier run, Total Warrior and the Newcastle Stampede in 2012. He also raised over £1000 for local charity Percy Hedley, by running 60 miles over the 12 Days of Christmas.
Nice post, I’m off to the shops now!
I didn’t know this! Thanks for the post.