Yoga For Beginners

Stan 27/04/2012 1
Yoga For Beginners

Good morning everyone,

Deano asked me to create a new category on the website called Wellbeing as he wants to start and share his knowledge on a range of things including yoga, tai chi and meditation.

I came across a fantastic yoga video this morning after I was sent an email from a John Kobik. He runs a great website called Chi For Yourself and we’ve recently hooked up. There’s a link to John’s website on our People We Like page.

The word yoga means “union” in Sanskrit. Think of the word union occurring between the mind, body and spirit. Lots of people think that yoga is just about stretching but while stretching is involved, yoga is really about creating balance in the body through developing flexibility and strength.

The following video is called Yoga for the New Beginner and it’s brilliant for any of you thinking about trying yoga for the first time.

I’d love to know your thought on yoga so please feel free to comment on this post.


One Comment »

  1. Ella 17/05/2012 at 10:45 am - Reply

    Yoga play an important role in our life. It refreshes our mind and body. I do yoga regularly.

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